Its been a long time since I have blogged! You would think with the “stay at home” orders and having all my teaching gigs cancelled I would have more time!
I made my trip to Dubai to teach at the International Quilt Show Dubai from February 23rd to March 1st. As I had been traveling internationally my next teaching and speaking engagements got postponed or cancelled. Dubai was an amazing experience such an incredible, modern city. I experienced wonderful hospitality and teaching my amazing students at this show was not to be missed.
Exploring Dubai
Now with time at home I thought I’d have a chance to catch up on those custom t-shirt quilt orders that I had going back to the end of 2019. So I jumped on getting those done. Then I thought I could spend a week just free-motion quilting quilts I had collaged but not finished! I was about to start those and then came the whole demand for masks!
Over two full days a friend and I stitched (social distancing of course) and made over 200 masks for a local care facility. They needed them asap for their care workers. I made more for family and neighbors, 100 for a local restaurant and am now taking a break!
In April the whole conversation about teaching online, virtual quilt shows, and presentations via Zoom came to surface on social media. I initially thought that isn’t for me, I wanted to sew! Then I was approached by the San Francisco Quilt Guild in May as I was due to do a presentation to them on May 19th. I knew it was coming and I said yes. Now was the time to look into Zoom.
Hand stitching solace.
My local quilt guild made the hard decision in early March to cancel our show slated for April and late in May people started to discuss should we meet via Zoom. It seemed now was the time quilt guilds were going virtual. Switching over to keep members involved was the best solution. Enthused I am slowly getting into Zoom! Then with many requests on social media, I realized people still wanted to learn from me. So after a bit of research I decided to write up a course on how to make pet portrait quilts from home.
Making videos for my online class.
I chose a platform called Coursecraft and really appreciated how easy it was to navigate. My initial two week project took nearly 6 weeks. I am happy to say its available right now at the sale price of $50, going up to $65 later in July. Once you register you have lifetime access to 10+ lessons, step-by-step photos, descriptions and 80+ minutes of video.
So if you are interested in finding out more this link Love of Pets will take you to my course landing page.
Thanks of letting me catch and and soon I will announce the fabric collage classes I will soon be teaching virtually.